Article Help: What is the Value of Education?
I am writing an article now about the value of education.
The focus of the article is: what monetary value beyond a salary do you put on education? How about the intangible value? How do you value that?
The article is trying to give thoughts about how people value the time they spend in school.
For sample my teachers are for textmate a 14 year old boy and friend in the Netherland, webdesign a 16 year old girl but also codeingiter coloured people, but also tony buzan, anthony robbins, jim rohn, dominic obrien, adam robbison?
The education you need to value in two sort of groups, Passion amateurs and Proffessioneel. Both value their vision on their subject. Are you the student one of that or is your teacher that?
Then you need to consider the location(alsof if it is internet base) and the prices of your market. Also you got your own living standerds. That is how you can didacted, how important your education is. But the value in schools is very low in education they focus more to their building or reputation.
I am for sample working standing instead of sitting for 16 hours, teaching, reading, viewing video's, controle my own time and creating or joining groups online. At school you have the same faces or vision each day. You sit and listen to one teacher or more teachers usually they live with out passion or they are not proffessioneel.
Then we start about the school. What do they learn in deliverble's or skills.... If you can find on youtube the best youtube teacher near your liking so you can start editting like him or her. Or follow richdad online and he give links and blogs so you can learn from his way of viewing. Even that, the deliverble's you do at school is way to low. You as humanbeen can learn and build faster when you are autodidact and after that a teamplayer. Not the other way around....
I got education in two different fields: radioengineering and economics, so I can discuss a lot of topics and understand articles both technical and humanitarian :) that's great for me!
To me, this makes education priceless.