What level of shots do you want to take? Casual, Amateur, Professional?
If you want amateur or professional quality, then stay away from a camera with built in video because of the quality of processing and lens, your looking more in the digital slr range, Canon by choice.
If your at the lower end, review sites, the only way to find a good one is to read lots of reviews, this applies to higher end cameras too, but in the lower end there's just so much choice so I would start by seeing what other people are using.
If you want amateur or professional quality, then stay away from a camera with built in video because of the quality of processing and lens, your looking more in the digital slr range, Canon by choice.
If your at the lower end, review sites, the only way to find a good one is to read lots of reviews, this applies to higher end cameras too, but in the lower end there's just so much choice so I would start by seeing what other people are using.