5 things we should all learn (quickly)
Please provide a list of 5-10 things most people can learn enough of in a couple weeks or less of dedicated study that they add some enjoyment to their life or see some real and measurable benefit. Please speak from experience based on something you have learned or want to learn and include some information on where and how to get started learning each item in your list.
1) Learn How To Sell!
If you learn how to successfully sell "stuff" to people, you will always have the skills to make good money no matter what the "hot" products or services of the day may be!
2) Learn How To Write Sales Copy that Sells!
I know this is somewhat related to #1 above and #3 below, but ...
Specifically, Learn How To Write Sales Copy to successfully Sell "stuff" to people!
Not only will this insure you a good money making skill irregardless of changes in what the products or services are that you chose to sell!, but ...
Copywriting can provide you with an ongoing "passive income" such that you continue to make money with little or no effort after writing the initial sales copy, you know?
3) Learn How to Write
There are always paying opportunities for someone who can write with quality, be it articles for magazines, newspapers and/or web sites, e.g. blogs, user and/or technical manuals, press releases, books/e-books, etc.
You may find some of the ways how to make money writing online at:
4) Learn How To Negotiate Win-Win Joint Ventures (JVs)
Learn how to negotiate Win-Win Joint Ventures (JVs) with other people wherein each party is incented to achieve a mutually beneficial goal!
5) Learn How To Delegate and/or Outsource Tasks that are outside of your core competencies!
No one knows, is Great at and/or has the time to do Everything! you know?, so ...
Learn to focus your time and energy on the things that you are Best at and are your "core competencies"!, and ...
Delegate and/or outsource all of the other tasks for which you do not have the skills, passion, time or energy to do yourself.
This will allow you to continue to grow your income opportunities without being limited to just your own time and energy, you know?
Granted, each of these may take some time to master, but you can get started with each of these ideas Right Now!
I hope this all helps! and Have a Great Day! :)
- Michael S. DeVries
The Virtual Consulting Firm ™
“Real People Providing Real Solutions in a Virtual World™”
P.S. Please Follow TheVCF on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/TheVCF
2. Learn to save money - He who gathers little by little makes it grow, so gather those one dollar bills or even transfer those extra cents from your debit cards and credit cards to a savings account.
3. Learn CPR - save lives, you'll never know when will the next emergency happen or if the victim can still survive while calling for 911.
4. Learn basic internet troubleshooting - rather than waiting for the tech. team on the phone, why not try to figure it out yourself first? maybe its just that some of your cables were unplugged of the WiFi switch was off.
5. Learn to pray - rather than cursing and swearing all the time you have troubles, why not learn the ultimate living connection to your Creator? Prayer is a lifeline, and when you pray always believe that you will receive what you ask for in God's name as long as its out of your good intentions.
2. Sewing. When I was a child my grandma taught me how to hem my pants, sew up a hole in my pants, sew on a button. I found it to be old ladies work then but now that I'm grown up I realize the tasks come in handy and are a great money saver.
3. Gardening. We always had a small garden at my parents house but there wasn't much in it except tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. Now that I have my own house and a bigger yard I have a huge garden. It saves on time going to the grocery store and money. Along with having fresh picked vegetables when I want them.
4. Pet training/care. When I got my pets I had no idea how exactly to care for them aside from the basics. Along with getting them I bought books on each type and read through them numberous times and used them as reference when the little guys did something, and also used what I read to keep them from doing other things.
5. Small home repairs. Again there are a million books out there with step by step projects. I bought a lot of these books and have been using them religiously while I remodel my entire house. You would be suprised the things you can do with the directions right infront of you.
I have most of these skills, and I'm working on the latter few. They all seem to benefit me in many ways, not just in the skills themselves. These skills can open one up to communication and relationships with people who are involved in many different walks of life. In short, learning these skills can simulate or even directly spread biodiversity which can be a very good thing.
-- Preferably, this will eventually lead to the purchase of a convertible.
The basics of a musical instrument.
-- If you like it, then stick with it. If not, try something else. Don't just ingest -- create!
How to meditate.
-- Life is a busy thing. Taking time to calm down and focus is very important.
The importance (and joy) of exercise.
-- This can become one of the cheapest and most worthwhile hobbies you ever pick up.
An appreciation for art and literature.
-- This may take the most time, but is also something that can last a lifetime and can really enrich your life.
A method for self-examination to help set you on the path to success.
-- This is a bit more complicated. I recommend these three questions to start: Where have I been? Where am I going? How will I get there? Focus on figuring out what will make you happy.
2. Don't be afraid of making mistakes
3. Don't let other people's interests repress your own
4. Don't let your own interests repress the interests of others
5. Don't just think about doing something, do it
1. to speak & read Spanish
2. to cook & eat healthy
3. to use a computer
4. to change a car tire
5. to appreciate life