
Reward: $3.00
Ideas posted: 7
Posted by: JohnJWalters

I read this article today about providing illegal immigrants with in-state tuition in Maryland and it got me thinking about immigration, entitlements, and barriers to entry.

It is my opinion that immigration wouldn't be problematic at all if we didn't hand out so many freebies to people because then each additional person would only be a productive entity and not a potential drain.

I want to know your thoughts on the topics of immigration and wealth redistribution programs, and what we can do to stop worrying about "illegal immigrants taking our jobs."

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Feb 25, 2011
This is a misconception. If you're "illegal" you DO NOT qualify for free services. Sure, if something happens and they get taken to the hospital they will not be turned down due to legal status. In fact, no one will be turned down for emergency services citizen or not.

People also confuse Permanent Residency as being "illegal." It is not. One could live as a Permanent Resident and receive 98% of the benefits a U.S. citizen would.

They're also not "taking" anyone's job. Obviously the American majority is against digging ditches and picking fruit for a low wage. Hey, don't get mad if you get undercut by someone who will do the work.
Feb 25, 2011
The handouts all of the illegal immigrants get is rediculous. Now they want to or are given a free education? They are already given free food and free medical attention. I do not understand why they need to get so many things free of charge just because they do not have papers to get what they need the same way we do. This seems to me a very silly idea. How does our government let it's own people suffer and have to do everything by the book and turn around to hand it all over to illegals? As far as stopping them from taking our jobs, I think only the government can solve this problem. Here in Chicago a program was started where officials were going to businesses and checking all employee papers. There was a $10,000 fine per head for illegal workers. Jobs started opening up everywhere and then all of a sudden the program seemed to have stopped and the jobs disappeared again. Did this program lose it's funding? I would love to be able to find a job that would help me be able to continue to bring money into the house to pay the mortgage and bills but I keep getting denied jobs because "I do not speak Spanish and it is required to be able to communicate with some of the employees." This is so backwards. They should be having to learn English to work here!!!
Feb 24, 2011
I agree that we shouldn't give freebies to immigrants. I don't see a problem with people that want to come to the United States to work. Okay, they get paid. So what? They worked for it. That makes sense. I worry about weapons and drugs. People? So what? They can be here. I know plenty of them are more productive than Americans who ARE ABLE to work. I'm not counting people who are sick or disabled or even SORE. There are plenty of healthy people that have no problems and the immigrants are still more productive. Let them come, earn money by actually working, earn money to live . . . why shouldn't they be able to have an opportunity to have a better life if they are willing to work at it? Just don't give them free aid.
Feb 24, 2011
the one who gives the job to them should be convinced earlier itself if he want to develop and give chance to his people in his surroundings.......
Feb 22, 2011
Many immigrants coming into our country are violent gang criminals, those should be sent packing back where they came from.

Many are looking for a better life, those went through an a lot to get here showing their true grit and determination. Let's see how well they do on their own. If they work, obey the laws and pledge their allegiance to America then we can talk about wealth redistribution.

As for the jobs, guess that depends on the job. Many farms couldn't survive without the influx of illegal aliens. On the other hand those high-paying jobs that come with benefits should belong to legal citizens. No one who is not a legal citizen should ever hold a political position.
Feb 20, 2011
We need to Incent immigrants to become Legal tax paying American citizens!!!, and ...

We need to quit burdening Legal tax paying American citizens with paying for Anything for Illegal immigrants!!!

Which is only Fair and helps Incent them to become Legal, as above, Right?!

My $0.02.

Feb 18, 2011
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