I read this article today about providing illegal immigrants with in-state tuition in Maryland and it got me thinking about immigration, entitlements, and barriers to entry.
It is my opinion that immigration wouldn't be problematic at all if we didn't hand out so many freebies to people because then each additional person would only be a productive entity and not a potential drain.
I want to know your thoughts on the topics of immigration and wealth redistribution programs, and what we can do to stop worrying about "illegal immigrants taking our jobs."
People also confuse Permanent Residency as being "illegal." It is not. One could live as a Permanent Resident and receive 98% of the benefits a U.S. citizen would.
They're also not "taking" anyone's job. Obviously the American majority is against digging ditches and picking fruit for a low wage. Hey, don't get mad if you get undercut by someone who will do the work.
Many are looking for a better life, those went through an a lot to get here showing their true grit and determination. Let's see how well they do on their own. If they work, obey the laws and pledge their allegiance to America then we can talk about wealth redistribution.
As for the jobs, guess that depends on the job. Many farms couldn't survive without the influx of illegal aliens. On the other hand those high-paying jobs that come with benefits should belong to legal citizens. No one who is not a legal citizen should ever hold a political position.
We need to quit burdening Legal tax paying American citizens with paying for Anything for Illegal immigrants!!!
Which is only Fair and helps Incent them to become Legal, as above, Right?!
My $0.02.