Stengthening the ConservativeParty
In the past election, conservatives made out quite well. This is, as I see it, mostly a result of people's frustration with the current administration's blind adherence to an agenda that does not represent our own.
Yet conservatives must remember that they were elected not because people truly believe that they can solve our problems but because we hope that they will be at least slightly better than what we've been trying recently. If they don't make substantial progress and do a good job coming up with new ideas and selling the American people on them they will be out again next election, no doubt.
In Maryland, where the "red tide" did not wash too high, there is a new roadmap towards an increased conservative presence calledthe "Chambers Compact." Here is the link:
What do you think of the document? What do you think conservatives must do if they want to maintain their influence and relevance in today's government?
Right now, People are concerned about paying their bills, keeping their homes, keeping their job or finding a new one and basically just surviving economically!, you know?
Therefore, the politicians / party that may help them satisfy these basic needs and alleviate these rudimentary fears will gain their appreciate and favor = votes for a long time to come!
I hope this all helps and Have a Great Day! :)
-Thomas Jefferson